At Conycal Laboratory we carry out analyses of water supply or drinking water and water for consumption, as well as continental water, and is accredited by ENAC according to ISO 17025. Our analytical techniques cover the fields of microbiology and physico-chemical analysis.
We strictly apply the requirements established in Royal Decree 3/2023, 10 of January, which establishes the sanitary criteria for the quality of water for human consumption. We also work in the field of the pharmaceutical and sanitary industry, analysing water for haemodialysis processes. With regard to swimming pool water, we carry out analyses in accordance with the requirements established by the various Autonomous Communities and state legislation.
We cover various fields:
- Water for consumption or supply (drinking water, taps, etc.).
- Water from swimming pools, jacuzzis, spas, etc.
- Inland water
- Waste water
Water Consumption
or Sanitary water Analysis
Why should water supplies be tested?
With regard to water supplied to the population through public or private supply channels, it should be noted that as demand increases, water quality problems may arise, usually caused by contamination. Water pollution can lead to changes in the physical, chemical or microbiological characteristics of water through the introduction of undesirable substances or micro-organisms.
These pollutants can, in certain cases, pose a short or long-term risk to human health.
In the case of supplies and supplies to the population, controls are carried out in tanks, cisterns, taps, and all those points established by the applicable regulations.
The owners of the properties (whether natural or legal persons) are responsible for maintaining the internal water installation in perfect conditions (pipes, private tanks, taps, etc.).
A particular case is that of the food industry, which requires a strict self-monitoring mechanism for all raw materials used in its production process. Of course, water is one of these raw materials, and it is of great importance to carry out analyses to guarantee the safety of manufactured or processed products.
The qualification of a drinking water, according to the Administration is:
It is qualified as WATER APT FOR CONSUMPTION when it does not contain any type of micro-organism, parasite or substance, in a quantity or concentration that could pose a danger to human health; and it complies with the specified requirements for microbiological, chemical, quality indicator and radioactive parameters.
When it complies with all of the above, but exceeds to certain levels the values for the quality indicator parameters (turbidity, colour, taste, etc.), the water is OK FOR DRINKING, WITH NON-COMPLIANCE IN ... (an indicator parameter).
When there is a problem with the chemical quality of the water, and it takes more than one month to solve it, it could be the case that during that time the regional health authority authorises the supply of drinking water with one or more chemical parameters with values above the legal value. These new values should not pose a health risk at any time. In these cases, the qualification would be: APT FOR CONSUMPTION, WITH EXCEPTION IN ... (one chemical parameter).
When it does not meet the above requirements, it is a WATER NOT SUITABLE FOR CONSUMPTION.
In the case of reaching very high levels of microbiological, chemical or radioactive parameters, the health authority could consider it WATER UNSAFE FOR CONSUMPTION WITH HEALTH RISKS.
Waste water
The Water Law establishes that, for the purposes of granting, renewing or modifying discharge authorisations, the applicant must accredit to the Water Administration the adequacy of the purification facilities and control elements and their operation to the water quality standards and objectives, as well as the conditions under which they discharge.
Laboratorio Conycal, as a collaborating entity of the hydraulic administration (ECAH), by virtue of the corresponding title, is authorised to support the hydraulic administration in the control and surveillance of water quality and the management of discharges into the public hydraulic domain.
We carry out various wastewater analyses:
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Agri-food industry
- Thermal and Combined Cycle Power Plants
- Processing industry, etc.
To facilitate the management of sample collection, we have agreements with courier companies that allow us to properly manage the shipment of samples from anywhere in Spain, when the requirements of the Discharge Authorisations allow it. We offer two options for sample delivery:
- Sample collection by the client. We deliver the necessary material for the correct collection of samples, including the canisters with the treatment required depending on the tests to be carried out.
- Sample collection by our team of Control and Sampling Technicians (TCM). They are in charge of collecting and transporting samples in suitable conditions to our laboratory. We have various equipment for taking point, integrated and composite wastewater samples.
Urgent analysis: You must make a special ''urgent'' request in order to take it into account and be able to adapt the budget and delivery times of the results report according to the urgency.
We are accredited by ENAC ISO 17025 as a testing laboratory for different relevant parameters in wastewater analysis. Our company is also accredited by ENAC according to ISO 17020 as an Environmental Inspection Entity.
Pools, jacuzzis, bathrooms
Water analysis
The reference standard for compliance with swimming pool water quality requirements in Spain is Royal Decree 742/2013, of 27 September, which establishes the technical-sanitary criteria for swimming pools. In addition, Royal Decree 1341/2007, of 11 October, on the management of bathing water quality, establishes the monitoring obligations and the required analytical parameters. In addition to the Spanish regulations, each Autonomous Community applies specific regulations that complement the state regulations.
At Conycal Laboratory we carry out analyses (included in our accreditation as an ISO 17025 laboratory) adapted to the requirements of each of the Autonomous Communities, even at a local level. We also carry out controls and analyses in all types of recreational waters:
- Beach water analysis
- Analysis of river pools
- Analysis of water parks, etc.