by Industries
At Conycal Laboratory we specialise in the food and environmental sector. We perform analytical services applying the most up-to-date standards and regulations, and for this, our experience of more than 30 years supports us.

There are a multitude of existing EU, state, regional and local regulations on the analytical parameters that must be controlled in the production, manufacture and distribution of foodstuffs. For this reason, at Conycal Laboratory we carry out strict quality controls to guarantee that foodstuffs are suitable for human/animal consumption.
We work intensively in the analysis and advice to the food industry in various fields:
- Analysis of gluten and other allergens.
- Analysis of meat products. Advice and performance of analyses in dispute and/or contradictory with the Administration.
- Analysis and control of process water in the agri-food industry.
Microbiological and physical-chemical analysis of foodstuffs under ENAC accreditation and in accordance - with established ISO standards with international recognition.
- Environmental microbiological sampling.
- Heavy metals, nitrates and dithiocarbamates among others.

We are experts in the control of discharges, inland water, drinking water and the marine environment. We carry out environmental sampling and inspections, as well as reports on the interpretation of results, annual discharge declarations and other procedures with the environmental authorities.
At Conycal we have been working for years in various environmental fields. Among others, we can provide services in:
- Physico-chemical analysis of waste water.
- Groundwater analysis and monitoring.
- Advice and control in Integrated Environmental Authorisations.
- Environmental inspection in different areas. ENAC ISO 17020 accreditation as an Environmental Inspection Entity.
- ENAC ISO 17025 accredited analysis laboratory for different tests.
- Analysis and consultancy services as a Collaborating Entity of the Administration (ECA).
- Monitoring and control of the quality of inland surface and groundwater.
- Pollution indices for water characterisation.
- Analysis, control and monitoring of the quality of bathing water on beaches and rivers.
- Monitoring and updating services of the applicable legislation in different fields and industries.
- Training in areas related to the environment: prevention of legionellosis, application of pesticides, management of harmful organisms, etc.
- Advice on the implementation of ISO 14001, EMAS, etc.
- Waste qualification and analysis of contaminated soils.
- Studies and determination of bioindicators of environmental quality.
- Sampling of benthic invertebrates.
Laboratorio Conycal also offers the supply of material for sampling, managing the packaging and providing the appropriate sampling equipment so that the sampling can be carried out by the client. Being part of the Tentamus Group, our coverage is wide, beyond Spain and Portugal.